Thursday, July 16, 2009

arte of the olde

Old stuff - early nineties through early 2000s, I think....

Not a lot of access to models back in the day, so a lot of these are taken from photos or another artist's work. Including this one (from another artist's work)....

This would be me and a sketchbook and a full length mirror, in my hippie glory.

Also from another's work. I don't think I kept record then, let alone now, of who these folks were....

From a photo....

From a photo as well.

I think I adapted this from an old (1940s) drawing of Mary Marvel. Left out the cape and such....

My.... HAND!

Another something - from a comic book, I think.

I think adapted from some work in a "how to draw book".

This I did for a college class. It's actually made from torn up bits of newspaper and magazine pages, so no pen or paint involved - just paper and glue.

From a life model via photo. My friend Mary asked me to create something for her that accentuated the beauty of a woman's hips.

A self-portrait done for a college class - acrylic paint.

Think I took this from a panel in an old crime comic....

Another college painting.

Also college art. Stippling.

And again, some college acrylics.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009