Saturday, October 15, 2011

Playing with Color

I've been tentatively playing with color lately. I haven't done that much in the past (because it's scary).

Doing it digitally for now; it's easier since I don't really own much in the way of traditional color supplies. You'll get a much better look at the detail if you click on the image to open it full size.

So here's to getting over fears....

blue woman on a red chair

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Woman and Sunlight

This started life years ago as a (very different looking) photograph I took--friend of mine modeled for me.

Today, I loaded it into Photoshop and went to town. Couldn't tell you what all I did to bring it to this point--the process was pretty organic.

Been wanting to start messing with digital artwork--most of mine has been traditional in the past.

Um. Let's call it "Woman and Sunlight".

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

in the den with dog

I'm calling this a digital finger painting--my finger on the touch pad of my laptop.
MS Paint....

click the pic for a larger view